Karen forum op needs review from HR

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Karen forum op needs review from HR

For some reason Karen has it out for everyone

I have bug reported and try to help this game yet i get reported by Karen for reporting bugs (professionally)
can we tone down the Karen bot

like why would be help you guys at this point and report bugs i got warned and reported for reporting a bug

so far from my experiences Karen snaps at people ive seen it more than once

I personally have reported bugs and then was warned by Karen and basically yelled at for reporting a bug
I dont get the attitude this person has when your people are trying to help and report bugs

Last bug I will ever report tbh straight snapped at me

This person is not professional and does not seem to help just snaps at everyone
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[UHHH] Jubbin
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

lmao same thing happened to me... Straight up attitude when I posted a video of a friar self-reviving.. Instead of me feeling better about myself and catching this bug/exploit happen, which is the first time in 21 years I've ever seen it happen, I get Karen basically giving me a warning,(I get in trouble) and tells me there was no release point found.. I (as a player) don't know any of that.. I simply want to know if it can be replicated.. I doubt anyone would want to fight a friar heads up 1v1 or even 2v1 just for them to self revive after you blow all your RAs lol.. so I wanted to know what that meant and asked, "So the friar didn't have a bind? Was it a bug or does this particular player know something?..." I'm then told "No, that is not at all what I said. If it was like you said it would happen all the time. If you do not understand the answer study the DOL src until you do." like wtf Karen? lol IM ON YOUR SIDE but I'm getting punished AND get attitude in the process..

Like the OP said... Kinda don't feel like posting anymore finding of bugs or issues for the devs to handle seeing how I can't have an opinion or ask a question without getting lip.
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

Too bad that someone had to take it personal vs professional. I see both your points as you are trying to help the server, and both seem frustrated when getting snapped at and or accused of something you had no intentions of doing. I hope these issues in game get resolved, and perhaps someone else other than this particular person can handle the matter vs calling out the general population for trying to help.
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[UHHH] Jubbin
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

Fugax wrote: Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:13 am Too bad that someone had to take it personal vs professional. I see both your points as you are trying to help the server, and both seem frustrated when getting snapped at and or accused of something you had no intentions of doing. I hope these issues in game get resolved, and perhaps someone else other than this particular person can handle the matter vs calling out the general population for trying to help.
I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems but it still takes the wind out of my sails regarding posting my findings for review. :/ oh well, guess we'll see PK here soon XD jk
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

i very specifically have no opinion on this issue, i have another question however :S

is it 'illegal dual logging' to make a 2nd account through discord, then to here, so i could have an opinion, if i in fact did have one?
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR


Karen needs to be replaced.
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

Same thing happened with me, I submit a video showing that I can swing and land melee styles from 450+ units away as long as i'm moving, it get's taken down and called a shit trash post by this "karen" geek. According to it (karen), my post "is useless as is and shows lack of understanding of DAoC mechanics." Guess it's supposed to be a "mechanic" to swing from 450 units.
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

I got a 24hrs timeout for absolutely no reason, now I'd like to know how I can see who gave it to me and maybe try to infuse a little sense in that brain...
I know that someone here must feel like a God, but let me tell you that it's not the case, there's a real world out there go get a life, it's for your own sake :lol:
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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

Surely they have a very odd way to deal with people. They seek for critics and feedbacks to "improve the game" and when you make a critic or give a feedback on something they'll just ignore you OR mute/ban if what you say is not what they want to listen to....

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Re: Karen forum op needs review from HR

"staff abuse"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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