New Player Fighting for Midgard

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New Player Fighting for Midgard

I missed out on this game last time around as life got in the way of playing on Phoenix. As an older MMO enjoyer that's been looking for old games, I'm here.

The basics seem pretty easy to understand. I've made a character just to poke around and noticed this version actually has quests, as opposed to the task spam I remember, although that might still be a thing, haven't checked. I know very little about the game, although I do have experience with the later RvR game Warhammer.
I'm not very good at plate spinning, and am perfectly happy just auto-attacking things and watching number go up at times. Play with others, go places, do the thing. I'm more about the experience over the mechanics. My EQ warrior only really had two buttons, taunt and bash, and I had a great time. Was looking at the warrior class here as well. Is that a good class to start off with, knowing nothing?

As a side question, how big is race choice? A lot of the Viking classes seem to favor Troll, how "bad" is Dwarf or Norseman by comparison. Any other tips also welcome!
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Re: New Player Fighting for Midgard

The race choices for viking classes arent bad. Troll has higher strength so will hit harder, norse has a more all round case of stats and dwarf has eye patch. Picking any wont gimp your class and play with what you feel comfortable with as your going to be starting at that ass for a long time
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Re: New Player Fighting for Midgard

Warrior is a good pick for a first class. Simple to play and you don't have to deal with daoc's interrupt system which can be difficult for new players to get used to.

Races have pros and cons, stick to the "normal" races for the class. In the case of warrior, that would be troll, dearf and norse.
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