Tomte mystic in Thidranki

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Tomte mystic in Thidranki

1)Tomte Mystic Behaviour:
-Tomte mystic on Eden either DD or bolt once and then rush to melee range to hit their target, correct behavior should be that they Bolt once, DD once, then stutter step towards the target and DD again until the target reach melee range.
-It is possible to prevent the slight forward movement toward the target by switch between passive and attack command between cast on pendragon live.

2)Steps to reproduce the bug: Charm a Tomte Mystic and send it to attack a target at range, they will only use their spell once (either bolt or dd) and then rush to melee the target.

3)Video Link: ... 9267988480
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Re: Tomte mystic in Thidranki

Are you making a bug report that our pets don't stutter step and instead run fluidly?
It will not cast the spell while on CD, when spell is on CD it will melee.