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Returning and new player

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:01 am
by BootyHole Man
I haven't played in quite some time. I played a lot in the past long ago on live and dabbled a couple times on eden in season 1 but got busy and didn't make it past like level 15. My brother has never played and expressed interest. Recommendations for starting out? Played a lot of alb and a decent amount of mid. Haven't played Hib much. Also is there a place to fully grasp templates or seek them out? Thanks!

Re: Returning and new player

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:35 pm
by Zombiesomething
The realm is personal choice. Each realm will do better at different times of the day based on who has the zerg going.

I think right now I am being told that Hib has the most players, but honestly I am not sure and I don't think there are any specified numbers.

Just find a class or 2 you like and go with them. You can swap realms and try different classes also.

Right now I am playing Mid on my Skald Speedkillz, so if you happen to play in the evenings and want to start new toons I would be happy to make a new toon to join you.

Templating is pretty easy here and usually on discord there are templates for every class.

Re: Returning and new player

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:54 pm
by BootyHole Man
That would be awesome! I think we're leaning towards Mid