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Suggestion Cata Classes & Co

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:24 am
by kpax
I think bringing new classes like Banshee, Valkyrie and Heretic can bring a fresh vibe and motivation for season 2. But these classes excisted in the past with other 2 classes like Warlock and Vampyrie and Cata Patchstand including Artefacts, ML and bigger variation of Armor and Weapons.

I mean personally i would love to play this Version. But only implementing those 3 classes will be risky especially making Alb overall even stronger. There was a reason why Albion got on Cata extension only one class and Hib/Mid 2 classes.

I mean to check out the comunity Feedback there could be Vote about several Version:

Everyone logs the game has to Vote:
1. No Cata Classes
2. Only Valk,Banshee,Heretic without Cata/ML/Artefacts extension
3. Only Valk,Banshee,Heretic with Cata/ML/Artefacts extension
4. All Cata classes without Cata/ML/Artefacts extension
5. All Cata classes with Cata/ML/Artefacts extension

I think the comunity would give the best answer overall, and the gms can get a feeling whats wanted the most to have a successfull season 2.

I would not adjust or nerf the classes at all, imo the latest patch versions are already balanced and nerfed enough on these classes.

Re: Suggestion Cata Classes & Co

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:09 am
by Nafets0805
No Cataclasses, no ML, more back to the roots. Its not so bad now, we need only more events, and maybe more solostuff. The community has changed. Lots of people doing solo, me too, because i am working in an office and i have the time to do some stuff and be afk ingame and in office ;)

Re: Suggestion Cata Classes & Co

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:33 pm
by succi
democracy is a trap

Re: Suggestion Cata Classes & Co

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:08 pm
by kpax
I totally agree with smallman action. I would love to see some 1v1/2v2/5v5 zones events. Like every Month each week different event like 1v1/2v2/5v5. Simply port a zone, you build up the numer of grp , go out and have fun on a small map like BG Ones.

8V8 was even hard on prime time numbers, cause not that many players available. Most players focus Zerg , rest smallman and a very small Numbr 8v8.

Re: Suggestion Cata Classes & Co

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:59 pm
by Fin / Valar
I mostly agree that putting 3 cata classes with no evident reason (why those? why there is still a numeric imbalance between realms' class choice? ) is not a so good idea. But I would avoid a vote, it will not be a real mirror of the playerbase because not everyone has the same experience and time dedication on daoc so the votes cannot have the same weight.

I would prefer a clear explanation about why those classes have been chosen, what devs expect from adding Valks, Bainshees and Heretics and why not Warlocks and Vampyres. In brief, what kind of balance can these class add to the game? I cannot see any evident one so far.

To make a little example: for what I can see Valks are going to totally replace war/thanes in Mid setup. They have the same peeling skills (Shield/sword ofc), less defensive skills than Warriors and less dps than Thanes.... but PLUS Charge (!), aoe rupts, cure NS, backup heals and instares... LOL, ok we all agree that Valks are a great class but they will be the meta for a Mid setup along with 4 supports (skald, heal, heal, sham) and 3 dps (make them melee or magic or a mix).

Maybe I am totally wrong about it, but on paper daoc this is what I see....