Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

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Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!


this message is for players but also for GM. I leant about the reset that's gonna be done uin august. It seems that all char will be reseted to lvl 1, except for RP and Craft points .... and this is given as a way to maintain activity on Eden's server. This is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Let me explain why it's useless and dangerous for Eden.

GM decided to make this server easy to allow people to play faster in RvR with a high lvl char. But DAOC is not a fast leveling MMO. If players want a fast leveling MMO, they can plays a WoW freeshard. Daoc is the culture of sweat and suffering. I know that we are in a society of consumming, where everything as to be fast (and furious? ... maybe :) but this is absolutely not the spirit of DAOC. And it's for this reason that this server is slowly deserted by players.

GM, you have to keep in mind that DAOC players are try-harders. They want to find a challenge in leveling their toons, both in RvR and PvE. They don't want you to maintain artificialy a crowd of player that don't have the will to play.

You give an orgy of Currency, XP is too easy, and to keep making your server interesting, you think that reseting all char lvl is the best idea ever???? the most of players are bored no to find good player and a good state of mind in RvR. most of enemies don't even know what optimized group or tactics means. look at your stats and see how many groups are done in PvE? do you really think there is only RvR in a DAOCian life? Most of player didn't learn to use their toon, they reach lvl 50, and they play RvR without exploiting the full potential of their toons!
So, ARE YOU SERIOUS? stop leaving in a dream world. DACO players don't need to be kept alive whith artificial assistance, THEY ARE FROM MIDGARD, ALBION AND HIBERNIA! THEY ARE FIGHTERS AND THE LIKE SUFFERING AND SWEATING FOR THEIR REALM! Stop this politic of the unicorn world, and give us a normal DAOC, this will keep players online, not this fake reset you want to do!

Hardness make players united. Eden is a simulacre of DAOC. So players play 1 month or two and they are tired of this parody of the DAOC they used to know.

your decision is unfair and it wil be the best way to make differencies between players and put people off playing. why? Because, player in a guild (a good one that take care of its homies ... A real guild!) will have all their ancien lvl 50, 5 days after the reset and other will only have they eyes to cry. and as they will have kept Craft and RP, it wil the same as 5 days before the reset, but excluding the player that don't have so much time or don't belong to a guild/good guild....

There is another case you didn't mind : some persons really appreciate PvE and Farming : reseting their lvl 50 is like killing them because it's the only thing they have to appreciate the game (I'm in this case), and I can assure you that those player will not spend other monthes to level up their old lvl 50... thay will leave or try another server like the incoming Ph****x 2 : lost for lost, why stay on a server that sh*ted on you like you want to do?

For those who like do RvR, but hate PvE and leveling their toon .... and don't have the chance to have guild/friends/time to do so, you will loose them, because they will be pissed off to level them up from 1 to 50 another time (and surely till the next reset)...

And the last thing, which concern only me but is important (maybe there are other players in this case) : I have health problems that don't allow me to play RvR (ITA and CVA, so it's hard for me to understand what is asked to me fast, which is a real problem in a RvR groups and sometime for PvE groups). I spent a lot of time, leveling up a lot af toons on the 3 realms alone (not because I wantied it, but because I couldn't do otherwise), because it's the only way for me to take full advantage of DAOC . If you do your reset, I'll lost everything. Sure I'm legendary in a lot of crafts, and I have few RP, but this is not what I want when I play DAOC . I want to farm, make money to craft armors for my friends (a great hug to the following guild and homies : Sortilège, Martine Fait du RvR, I Hate People, WTF, Evernights, .... and a lot I forgot .... AEO love and hug to the players of those guild that are the kindest perso in this persistent world of DAOC!), helping for epics, helping for dungeons, .... I I loose this, I pormise you I will quit Eden for another server. And I'm sure I'm not the only one to think like that.

So stop acting like idiots. your reset is useless and it's not the best way to keep player on it. The best way is to resume the old concept of MMO that was the spirit of DAOC (sweat and blood) and stop consider players like valorant or lol player : We don't have 1_-25 for the most of us (this doesn't want to say that those 18-25 player's are not welcome, but it's a different state of mmind), we was raised with hard stule MMO and that's for this reason we love DAOC and it's the only game that keep us really excited. I'm sure the GM are old DAOC players : Remember when you was younger, what you really loved on this epic games, why there was goosebumps on your arms when you was in Battlegrounds or un FZ, .... and you'll see that your reset is not the good way to keep players ... quite the contrary!

I don't think you'll hear my voice, but I love this game, and I love the persons I met on this game, I don't want to see Eden fall down because of wrong choices.

Take great care of you all, and thanks for take time to read this text.
Laurence AKA Poupette/Chasseresse/Gravillon/Foudroyante/Fantomette/Doliprane/Oursonne/Maman/Koudta/Papaye/Clitocybe/Merlin/Ventilow .... and much more on the 3 realms

PS : sorry if my english is not good, but it's not my mother's tongue :) please be kind :)

Why, bec
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

If you agree with this you can Reply with "+1" to show GMs that this kind of reset is useless. And if you have ideas to avoid thoses stupid resets, they are welcome :)

/AoE Hug
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

+1, +1, +1. Agreed.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

I do agree in part, that resetting characters will not keep the population....instead, it will actually give people no reason to remain, as if they are going back to lvl 1 on this server, then they might as well start at lvl 1 on the next DAOC server that tries to get off the ground.

I wonder if a better thing is to limit the amount of RvR time a single toon can partake per day.

What I see is casual players who cant compete with those who are dedictated to the one character and hit high realm ranks very quickly.
Likewise, these hardcore players, once theyve reached a high realm rank, get bored as there is nothing keeping them playing if their character doesnt get more points to spend.

If players were limited to, say, 2 hours RvR per day on each toon, those that get ahead fast because they have the time, would be slowed down, and kept in range of the more casual player. Also, those that like to RvR so much, would then find themselves leveling up a second character rather than playing all day with one. Thus keeping them interested in the game. They would still have the same time in RvR, but over two characters instead of 1, which would keep the whole population closer in levels.
There would also be more PvE raiding as more gear would be needed.

I often play stealthers, as I do like to play and level alone. I do enjoy the grind, finding a farming spot and killing for hours to get items and XP. I also enjoy discovering items, so Phoenixs ROGs everywhere were nice, as you would find unique items.
But as a casual player, if I cant get into a raid or just get pwned in the frontiers, I end up then leveling a new toon....and with no low end population, I cant get the items I need to template.
There are many fine players on EDEN who take time to organise raids, which Im thankful for, but if ot falls at a time when I cant make it...you can end up waiting weeks to get something done.

For instance, Medal of Honour....why not make this the quest reward from the SI neck quest instead. Most of the items in that quest line are rubbish (who wants a 16.2 DPS weapon? By the time I can solo that quest, Ive already for a 16.5 DPS weapon...and the ring and gem are low utility.

Anyway, somthing to think about.
Im not planning on leaving EDEN any time soon....but will probably focus on just one character this time, knowing full well it will also be reset at season 3.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

Sorry, but I'm not a "pro player" of these rr8+, I'm casual and if they're going to adopt the same wipe policy as Uthgard did, expect the same problem they had with the players.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!


Reset the realm points but keep the level of the 50's..... wipe the rest. Everyone starts at RR1L1 with the ability to jump right into RVR on day one.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

Bump RPS per kill by x4.

Give the great casual base that can compete a chance.

Otherwise 85% of the player base will disappear again.

I want return on investment for skill not just time played in an 8 man group running down small mans, or strictly 8v8.

Reward the RvR. The super groups should still prevail because of their continuity and amount of time everyday. They know each others moves and styles.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

completely disagree. You have to look at 85% of the active population are casual players... you lose pop because they can't compete with the folks that have no life... not a good model to appeal to the 15%.... leave. The 85 will still support the server.
The only downside MIGHT be that the BG leaders are all 15% ers... maybe. Suck it up... 20 hrs of leveling to 50. 2 weeks to get most of your gear... enjoy the changes... "be amused".
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

Bump RPS per kill by x4.

Give the great casual base that can compete a chance.

Otherwise 85% of the player base will disappear again.

I want return on investment for skill not just time played in an 8 man group running down small mans, or strictly 8v8.

Reward the RvR. The super groups should still prevail because of their continuity and amount of time everyday. They know each others moves and styles.
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Re: Why reseting lvl 50 is an absolute stupidity!

tbh, beginning of the end for this server, s2 at the start will be very active for obvious reasons, give it 2-3 months once the hype has wore off, numbers will be struggling.

a prime example is beta as it is, usually beta its very active, which it was at the start, then the hype wore off and now lucky to find more than 2fg's from each realm running about rvr.

And why they decided to do this S2 thing altogether is beyond me. A lot have already quit as they cba doing the whole SC/leveling thing again, even though it doesn't take all that long, at the end of the day, DAoC is a pvp game, not pve. Forcing people to do it all over on a freeshard, bad move imo as we will soon see prob :/
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