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Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:33 am
by Dantheman
Hi, for the past two days the defense ticks have not been calculating correctly. In the Blend defense just 25 min ago I was grouped with 3 others and the defense tick was heavily skewed.
I received 20k+rps, Stonerwitch got 277 rps, Rebekahann received 48 rps and Diesels received 31 rps.
We were grouped together for around 40 minutes with Diesels grouping up with us the last 15-20 mins
Here are our ss of the defense tick
stonerwitch rp.png
daoc rebekah rp.jpg
daoc malk rp.jpg

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:35 am
by Dantheman
here is our total rps for the same defense

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:55 pm
by Dantheman
This is still calculating incorrectly. I was duo at beno ck defense and final tick was 298 for one and 108 for the other. we were together the whole time and fought through till the end.

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:14 am
by Dantheman
We have done some more testing today and trying to see what is causing this.

This issue is from surs wt. We had a defense against the hibs ~50 or so of them and we were grouped together the whole time. we died and released. one of our groupmates left group to go afk and after about 30 minutes we were like well lets go light up that tower since we havent received a tick yet. So he rejoined group and he and i went and smacked a few guards and got killed there. A tick came through about 2 minutes later with 33 rps for him and i that had gone to fight at the tower a second time. The other person in our group received 6291 rps. This groupmate stayed at surs ck after the first surs wt fight.

Here is video of the fight
daoc rebekah rp2.jpg
daoc malk rp2.jpg

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:03 am
by Lynee
Incident in our group as well.

- Group of 6 defends Bled spire (total alb bg 62, mid bg roughly 150), lost the fight but participated in min. 30 kills (group and personal quest finished).
- one group member disbands and waits in Catterick Hamlet for his new group to form (now called afk member)
- group of 5 goes back to take Bled spire with BG, kills one (total alb BG 55)
- defense tick from Bled spire rolls in, group of 5 receives 10 rps each, afk member receives 5342

Top: group of 5 member, bottom: afk member

It almost appears that the second activity at Bled Spire of the Group of 5 reset the participation pool and added it to the pool of the afk member, which would explain why the afk member received 23.56% participation when all group members were still online and the alb BG also still had similar numbers.

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:29 am
by Lynee
Another incident with more and better info to hunt down the bug:

After a defense 4 of 6 groupmembers received a very small defense tick (11 rps), one member got a huge one (5500 rps), one received nothing because he joined during the fight but was also not at the spot.

Timeline of events:
- Our group of 5 albs went to defend Hlidskialf faste, which was in alb possession.
- much pew pew from the inner keep, killing at least 30 people (group and personal quest finished), both hib and mid.
- just before the keep was taken (approx. 2-3 mins before end of siege) group member 6 was invited but couldn't join at Hlid
- everyone died inside the inner ck to hib charge, hibs eventually took the keep
- defense ticks received before taking another offensive action.

With the new /keeptick command (thank you for this awesome feature!) it looked like this:
Top: members got a tick of 11 (with 0.06% participation)
bottom: one member received a tick of 5500 (with 13.76% participation)
(didn't collect screenshots from the rest of the group members but they all had 11 except the new guy).


However, for some reason everyone with the low tick got listed as ATTACKER, whereas the rp hoover was listed as a DEFENDER. We all defended a keep in our realms possession together, should have defender status. At some point the status seems to have shifted to attacker (since the ticks before were identical among group members).

Maybe this has to do with group members joining/leaving, messing with some internal data list, Malkkie described (among others) similar problems with members leaving/joining.

Hope this helps!

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:38 am
by Dantheman
we just defended bolg ck and should have had a decent tick from it. we made it to the gatehouse when the doors were down and we were in there till after they took the ck .. we ended up becoming attackers instead of defenders for the tick and received between 25-42 rps. there needs to be some sort of grace period in there or a cutoff when the tower/keep changes realms.

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:03 pm
by Dantheman
I feel like im a broken record here but it still not fixed.

We got switched to attackers and received a solid 1 rp for defending blendrake faste. We did not hit anything after mids took the ck nor received any damage. We should have received a defender tick not an attacker tick. Now what we will be doing is either dying or running once the inner is opened so that way we are not becoming attackers. There should be some sort of grace period till the tick gets pushed out.
Can this please get some attention?

Here is the video of us defending a little at the tower while Rebekahann is trebbing from the roof.

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:02 am
by Rtha
Keep the descriptions coming! Starting to see a trend.
Always include when a new person joined, where everyone was, what the RP tick of everyone in the group was, etc.
Everything you have.

Re: Defense Ticks are not calculating correctly

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:20 pm
by Dantheman
Quite literally the only way to have your defense tick guaranteed is to die and release before keep/tower is taken since you seem to receive 1 rp for just being present at the keep/tower. This eliminates the entire pool of rp's that you may have spent 20-60 minutes creating and its gone in a second since there was a couple enemies left over after capturing the keep/tower.

We have been avoiding any anamolies to have clearer TEST results. We have not been grouping with others, we have not been separated, even doing zero participation in a tower near a keep after the keep was taken. All evidence points to the pools that are created for defender/attacker, how that pool does not track how many rp's you had up to the point of keep capture and how quickly you can become an attacker after taking a keep/tower. We have this happened 2-3x a day and quite frankly there is no more information i can keep bringing since its the same everytime and being switched to attacker is something out of the players control.

Last night I switched to my infil and defended DDB with 2 other albs. Killed 4 enemies, mid bg came and wiped the hib bg and didn't receive a defense tick. Waited over 1 hr and still didn't receive a tick and switched over to my main. These delayed ticks (1-5hr+) seem to happen when there are very few defenders and ticks received should be upwards of 5k+. You are essentially held hostage to playing that character for the next 4 hrs until a tick comes through since you can't switch your char and you can't go retake the keep since you become the attacker.