How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

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Re: How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

After upgrading to Ubuntu Lunar Lobster 23.04, everything started to work again.
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Re: How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

I have this working on Linux Mint, but just switched to Ubuntu Lunar and I get this error every single time, no matter how many different versions of wine or winetricks I try. I have also tried the proton runner. I've removed and installed different versions of wine and winetricks but just can't figure this out:

Started initial process 17271 from /home/scott/.local/share/lutris/runtime/winetricks/winetricks --unattended dotnet45
Start monitoring process.
warning: Your version of wine 5.12-23920-g2ee069136ca is no longer supported upstream. You should upgrade to 7.x
Using winetricks 20230212-next - sha256sum: cf1e17a69db4126779e597def9facdecbb0703a20ed7172dd877b1f7824d66ec with wine-5.12-23920-g2ee069136ca (Staging) and WINEARCH=win32
Executing w_do_call dotnet45
Executing load_dotnet45
warning: This package (dotnet45) is broken in wine-5.12-23920-g2ee069136ca. Broken since 5.12. Upgrade to >=5.18. See for more info. Use --force to try anyway.
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 25344)
Exit with return code 25344
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Re: How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

I just made a guide for this. Let me know if you need any help @HugKitten on discord. ;)
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Re: How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

If you are struggling to get it working with Lutris like I was. It was so much simpler to just install with Bottles. I posted in the other thread:

I ended up using the Bottles flatpak and lutris 7.2.2 version of wine.

1. Had to also install flatseal and give bottles access to ~/Downloads
2. In bottles went to dependencies and added dotnet 4.8 (not sure if needed, thought I read that dotnet was required for eden)

Other things I did, but I dont know if they really matter. I turned off esync and I also disabled the anti cheat 2 options.

Then just installed everything like normal and Bottles automatically redirected to browser and launched game after logging in (and updating the client the first time).
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Re: How to connect via wine on GNU/Linux?

For the longest time, I found memory leaks in libMesa were causing the game to crash, particularly in busy areas (City of Camelot, for one, also any place where there were lots of players running/fighting/casting like in BGs)

The solution to this memory leak is to use Vulkan shaders:

Run these commands (with your WINEPREFIX variable set accordingly to where Eden is):

Code: Select all

winetricks dxvk
winetricks renderer=vulkan
I found even

Code: Select all

/spelleffects all
would sometimes make the game crash to desktop now and again, but am playing with using

Code: Select all

/spelleffects enemy
to see if that helps things.

Check to make sure your card has Vulkan driver support: ... ULKAN.html ... pport.html

Make sure you install the 32-bit versions of the Vulkan driver as DAOC is a 32-bit app running on 32-bit WINE.
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