Blizzard Blade proximity and resist rate

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Blizzard Blade proximity and resist rate

Hi Team,

I've got a 2 prong report for Blizzard Blade. I was told today that Blizzard Blade on Eden proc'd based on your opponent's position for its radius effect. If this is true, it puts the enemy right at the center of the effect for maximum value.

On live this works a little different: The radius is Pbae based on the VW's position. Meaning most of the time the enemy is a bit further away and gets some falloff from the effect. Please see these proximity screenshots from live:
452 to 544 from standing a little closer.

The second factor is more a global feature regarding the spell level of all style procs. Usually the style proc is set by the level of the style. Back in the day I found Thane procs had unusually high resist rates due to a flaw in that they were all accidently set to level 20. Here are some notes regarding this: ... rsion_1.94
"This is to correct an issue in which these styles were treated as level 20 styles in terms of resist checks. Level 9 - "Thrym's Strength"
Level 25 - "Raider"
Level 44 - "Arctic Rift"
Level 50 - "Tyr's Fury" "
This is not the patch where the rest of the Thane style procs were fixed, I can't find that one. But it shows the consistency of style procs being linked to style level and, unfortunately, some being set incorrectly for years.

Well Blizzard Blade was also set incorrectly. Its style proc was set to level 39 instead of 29. Meaning it had roughly a 15.5% resist rate on live instead of the 20.5% it should have had. I don't believe this was ever changed either.
I can't find evidence of this now because the site I used to make the discovery is down and the wayback machine did not archive deep enough to keep the record: ... styles.php
Specifically style 560, Blizzard Blade and more importantly the spell effect it procs.
I have been unable to find another database with scraped info of spell effects like Etaew had: ... spells.php
But I distinctly remember the contents as they had the opposite problem my Thane was encountering. An arbitrary number affecting resist rates but in benefit.

My apologies if I was mislead regarding the current implementation of Blizzard Blade radius, I don't have a VW to check on Eden. And also if the level of the style proc spell is not set to 50. These are both assumptions based only on word of mouth and observation.
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Re: Blizzard Blade proximity and resist rate

Hi there. Devs did some digging and found the following

Code: Select all

560:{Name:"Blizzard Blade",Skill:125,Fatigue:5,Icon:395,Level:29,OpeningDamage:87,Weapon:"Scythe",AttackMod:10,LevelBonus:3,SpecialType:1,OpeningStyle:"Stunning Blade",SpecialNumber:8256,},
8256:{Function:"direct",Name:"Frigid Mists",damage_type:12,level:29,power_level:50,damage:1989,target:1,instant:2,radius:350,},
Since spell 8256 is missing the range parameter, you are correct that it should be centered around the VW.
But power_level:50 would override the level:29 in terms of resist rate.
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Re: Blizzard Blade proximity and resist rate

Karen wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:26 am Hi there. Devs did some digging and found the following

Code: Select all

560:{Name:"Blizzard Blade",Skill:125,Fatigue:5,Icon:395,Level:29,OpeningDamage:87,Weapon:"Scythe",AttackMod:10,LevelBonus:3,SpecialType:1,OpeningStyle:"Stunning Blade",SpecialNumber:8256,},
8256:{Function:"direct",Name:"Frigid Mists",damage_type:12,level:29,power_level:50,damage:1989,target:1,instant:2,radius:350,},
Since spell 8256 is missing the range parameter, you are correct that it should be centered around the VW.
But power_level:50 would override the level:29 in terms of resist rate.
As a valewalker player i can fully say that i do not want you all to actually make this change (as its a big nerf). However, pointing to the piece of code that contains "the bug" as evidence that the bug should not be fixed doesn't make a lot of sense. Lygma is saying the power_level: 50 isn't accurate to live or patch accurate. Posting a reply that shows power_level: 50 in the code doesn't really mean a lot.... that's the bug, that's what he's providing all this evidence to show that it should be changed.

That being said, if you all do make this change since i feel Lygma has sufficiently proved the point. Please also test/confirm that Mastery of Focus affects the level of the proc as it should. Also in the thread from yesterday (viewtopic.php?t=2383) it shows via their numbers and testing that the proc level for blizzard blade has a hidden property of being set to level 39 instead of 29. (meaning we now have to train MoF but can still get back to 50)

Also this would be a big change for all damaging style procs across all classes.

edit: also i understand the reply has generally been, "get a clip from that specific patch" which is a needle in a haystack search that isn't consistently applied across all bug fix requests.
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