Necromancer Pets Dropping

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Necromancer (all pets) port bug

Found a bug that happens quite often, when a pet class uses a Solo/smallman (confirmed) maybe EV? (Inever confirmed) teleport they lose their pet more often than not. Please look into this, without buff pots it's brutal.
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Necromancer Pets Dropping

Guys the necromancer pets have a 50/50 chance of dropping as soon as any zoning is completed. I went on the Summoners Hall raid last night and in about 30 minutes my pet had to be recast at least 20 times with all the mini portals in that raid. This loses the enchancement npc buffs and leaves the necromancer with an unbuffed blue con pet and all you can do is use an expensive hero potion or use pretty bad self buffs that do not do much to help with pet damage absorption.

This also will happen over certain bridges just like on the live servers. The issues seem to be mainly around Albions north Bold bridge and Beno west bridge where theres a seam in the middle of each bridge that causes the pet to drop through and be lost. Also the hibernia Nged east bridge has this issue. These are all bridges that had similar issues on live servers too. Not even sure if theres a fix for an issue this large.

Is there any possible way that necromancers when they get buffed by enchantment npcs that the buffs on the necromancer himself transfer to the necro pet automatically when recasting the pet after it dies or drops? I doubt there is as that seems like a lot of recoding things. Not sure if there is a way around this.
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Re: Necromancer Pets Dropping

We are currently undergoing more pathing work behind the scenes.

Regarding the SH portals themselves I can take a look.
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