Pet HP regen when out of combat

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Pet HP regen when out of combat

As a bonedancer i see when i sit to regen mana my pet hp commander regen is slow and i always need manually to heal them.
I checked and HP for commander and subpet only regen only around 1% every 3 seconds.
tested sit form 34% to 100% around 3mn30s

dont know exact rate but In my memory pet HP regen rate work same a player (around 7% per tick when out of combat and sit) and are easily full with the time to regen mana

- Steps to reproduce the bug

Fight with your pets (for me as a bonedancer pets) sit and check commander HP or clic on sub pet and see the slow regen life
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Re: Pet HP regen when out of combat

Need a link to prove correct regen mechanics of pet. Memory of 7% does not mean much.
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Re: Pet HP regen when out of combat

Yes and you are right, i checked on live and regen seem to be low (around 1%) but all pet class are already revamped on live...
On Atlas and uthgard it's 5% per tick after few seconds when sit but this is 1.65 servers.
since i don't have any server (around your patch level) and i don't know when this modification\regen nerf happened i can't really say you have bad settings...

Thank you for your work !
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Re: Pet HP regen when out of combat

Thank you for looking into this. Since it requires a bit more research, please allow this to take some time.
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Re: Pet HP regen when out of combat

I've been leveling a sorcerer and also finding most of the charmed pets are regenerating HP very slow. Even self healing pets. Unless they get below a certain threshold, they won't even try to heal themselves.

I've also been looking around for any documentation to this, but not finding much at all. At least with a minstrel, there is a heal chant that can be used, but in the sorcerer's world, it sometimes takes upwards of 5+ minutes to get the pet back into action.

It seems odd to me that my toon regens health far faster than the pet does.

Still searching for anything to support this in hopes that we can get some improvement to us solo players that don't group up much.

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