How can you expect a server to last?

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Tolbiax (Matt)
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

We all know that Ubbernia as the edge concerning < 8men fights, because their classes's kits are more self suffisant.
I personnaly take it as a challenge when I play other realms.

However, accusing the devs of favoritising their realm is irrelevant imo. You have no proof at all, right?

You could indeed take a break with RvR, or play League of Legends, hate this game more than DAOC, then come back to DAOC :mrgreen:
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Have you read his post? It's pretty obvious that he's tin-foil hatting and seeing consipiracies where there aren't any.

The mezz stacking theory is a pretty good indication of that.
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Look yourself and see different damage types stack and NS RR5 being disarm instead of 50% evade it's obvious. Ya'll must be in Devs pockets. Or Hibs.
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Then try to perma mez the Hibs
You know, that Sorc mez is energy, and Theu mez is spirit ?
SM mez is cold and Healer is mez is body.
So always 2 different damage types
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Mister Cotton
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Is this a troll?

Hib doesnt have the most people

Double mez? Got a video..

Losing to nightshades? get good.
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Mister Cotton wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:31 am Is this a troll?

Hib doesnt have the most people

Double mez? Got a video..

Losing to nightshades? get good.
That's a helpful response, 'get good'.

Same problem every server, realm balance in RVR at different times of day. We've hit that point now when where Hib is utterly dominant numbers wise in my timezone and folks in other realms are just not bothering to log in. That's not an opinion, just a fact. Other times of day is a different story, and can also go the other way.

Said it ad nauseam, don't have a solution but it's a real issue that a lot of folks just seem to willfully ignore. We all lose out, the server dies like every other server. Keen to see these new proposals from the devs and how they help.
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Tolbiax (Matt) wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:28 pm We all know that Ubbernia as the edge concerning < 8men fights, because their classes's kits are more self suffisant.
I personnaly take it as a challenge when I play other realms.
Mids are the strongest in 5v5. Hib in duo.
In 8v8, mids are the most oppressive to fight against, Hibs on average the highest winrate, and Alb has the highest peak strength when the whole group is coordinated, but is below Hib/Mid when not coordinated.

That bullshit about different damage type mez is the funniest thing I've read in a week. How can one lie about something that easy to test?
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Re: How can you expect a server to last?

Sathariel wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:27 pm That bullshit about different damage type mez is the funniest thing I've read in a week. How can one lie about something that easy to test?
Don't think this is a lie as much as a change in how it works, I know as an SM I used to be able to stack cold mez and then spirit mez. I assumed this server was the same, just tested it and you're correct, now this doesn't stack, not for me at least. Can't comment on other realms mez classes.
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