Autohotkeys will the ruin the server.

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Re: Autohotkeys will the ruin the server.

ok id rather have a low IQ at least im not a cheater like all of you and i dont need a robot to automatically play my character for me

i dont need to be cheater to win fights and play the game like all of you
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Re: Autohotkeys will the ruin the server.

Idi wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:28 am
[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:56 am How on earth did you play when this game released?
Poorly, until I started using the same programmable game pad I was using for flight sims. I played less poorly, then.
[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:56 am Are you implying people can't play without AHK
[UHHH] Jubbin wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:56 am
if you're against it you have low IQ?
Yes. Absolutely low I.Q.. Bitching about AHK is like bitching about people using modern wide screen monitors instead of the crappy 17" CRT monitors that were more common at the launch of the game. Macro options have been available to players since launch. Get over it already, or just go away.

lol if u had the smallest size monitor in the world it wouldnt matter with autohotkey this makes 0 sense

because if you use autohotkey you do not need to even see anything since the robot does it for you

you make no sense here you just owned yerself tbh
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Re: Autohotkeys will the ruin the server.

Seems like people are running a very different version of AHK, from what I know about.
Mine doesn't respond to anything, without me pressing a key, which then makes it press 2-3 keys in succession.

Pretty sure it's against server rules to have programs respond to what the game server sends to the client.
Recorder, to my knowledge, only inputs if you press a key?
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Re: Autohotkeys will the ruin the server.

some lightbulbs just ain't too bright and still want to play on a 4:3 monitor, windows xp, and a 56k modem. That there technology stuff is just too much. Anything made after 1980 aint wurth using.
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