Solo farming loot

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Solo farming loot

It appears that solo farming has been nerfed into oblivion. I spent 3 hours farming mobs in Sheeroe Hills and received nothing but coins. And it seems many many others have the same experience.

This takes all the fun out of solo PVE and all farming classes are given a boot to the face. Necros, Anis, Shamans, Cabalists etc.

I understand if the drop rate isn't the same as a group of 8 people. But having nothing at all drop is frustrating and annoying. Give us something for the time we put in. I like to play pve solo farming to relax and don't RVR much, so this feels like a kick in the teeth.

Also the ROGs that do drop when in groups are confused as all hell. They have stats for healing, stealth, dual wield, bonus to buffs or spell duration etc. all on one item so it doesn't fit any class at all.
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Re: Solo farming loot

I was just wondering about this myself and if it’s even worth making a solo farmer. Also given that drops seem to be class specific, a solo caster farmer is missing out on metal salvage since they only ever get cloth and staves.
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Re: Solo farming loot

I totally agree and it makes no sense at all to me. A group is already at an advantage by killing many more mobs and at a faster rate. I was trying to solo farm in Sheeroe Hills last night for 2 hours with the same result - bags of coins. I finally gave up and went to bed. I also noticed that they nerfed drops from named mobs now, so I guess solo players are screwed if they keep things this way.
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Re: Solo farming loot

Currently the solo farming on this server is non-existent and I repeatedly put the feedback in and am told new stuff is coming.

Nothing has come out that is even close to how good farming for ROGs/Money has been on every server I have ever played on. I love solo farming it is fun to me. AOE DOT Kiting on MID and ALB or shroom farming on HIB has always been where I spend a majority of my time.

As it stands solo farming is dead and it is really painful, because as someone that likes to solo to get ROGs and drops my time is just being evaporated for no pay off and it has never been close to this painful on a server I have played on.

This server is missing the slot handle pull of farming where you sift through ROGs and find a gem. Instead you sift through 3 ROGS after 1-2 hours of straight farming with the same chance to be good or bad, but 1/50th the loot. Or you run around killing bosses and get like 10-15 ROGs in the same timeframe, but no coin which is equally useless.

It feels like a hidden intent to take solo farmers off the server, they have flipped it so classes good at solo farming are actually pointless. You need to play a class that gets a group or you get nothing.
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Re: Solo farming loot

The current server settings are absolutely abysmal for any solo class I have played. My tank has crap kit, no buffs, and loses end to the point that a yellow mob takes half his life. The animist has limited places to farm for xp as the mob camps are scattered all to hell, and the xp is low. The bard is...well, a bard. The eldie has to constantly kite even yellow mobs, and has to deal with the spread out camps the same as the animist. It's not fun. It's to the point where I just log out in disgust, or don't even bother if I have limited time to make a group.

If the server settings remain so limited for anything other than groups, I don't see it being successful, and all the hard work and effort going into making the server will be for nothing. As it stands now, I don't see anything other than a recipe for another dead server.
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Re: Solo farming loot

I will try to answer some of your question.

I would just say that RoG is *one* aspect of the game that is currently tested and soon, a new mechanic will be added that will drastically change the game experience with loot.
JeanClawVampDamme wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:15 am I was just wondering about this myself and if it’s even worth making a solo farmer. Also given that drops seem to be class specific, a solo caster farmer is missing out on metal salvage since they only ever get cloth and staves.
RoG during progression are class specific, but the change I talk about just above will also impact economy & salvage.

DAoC is an MMO, so we want to encourage players to play together.
However, battlegrounds, quests and dungeons are a way to advance your character without needing a huge play time or a group in some cases.

For the buffs part, group / small group have access to buffs via players buffs, solo player can buy/craft buff potions.
We're still not sure how we're going to implement buffbot in PvE, but players & buff potions will always be superior than buffbot.
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Re: Solo farming loot

That's the problem though , even if you buy pots you get the shit smacked out of you because your gear is so far behind because of the low drop rate of less then fg named farming that you hit a wall and cant do anything.

I don't even log my pally in atm because he's in blue plate cept for the one usable drop I have. Whilst QM are ok they shouldn't be the goto mech for gear. Majority of my play time is not peak so finding grps gets harder the higher your lvl.

Even as a 3m in cm we farmed for an hr or so we got maybe 4drops. And its not worth farming the named in CM because they dont drop 51 rogs the trash does.

also can we get longer duration on pots thanks <3
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Re: Solo farming loot

MMOs are also about soloing for loot too. Plenty of people including myself like the challenge of soloing things. It's just not as fun to join a group and steam roll things all the time. I like to use the kiting mechanics in the game and kill difficult mobs. Many people do. That doesn't mean we will never group if we can solo farm.

If anything people PvE farm and group too much, leaving RvR deserted a lot of the time...I dont see the need for an incentive to ignore RvR even more than it already is.

There's a reason for farming classes and farming specs.
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Re: Solo farming loot

This needs to be addressed. There is little to no base for the economy currently which is vital. No RoG drops from regular camps, no exp items to flip or farm, no trash loot and nerfed coin drop. Solos cannot even afford quartermaster gear while others are running Named Loop groups on timer with large housing and LGM craft. I enjoy grouping but also play solo while others are away or I have free time during work. Groups will be vital for the larger content (SI dungeons, ToA zones, etc) and the really lucractive RoGs people will be after. It's creating a giant wealth gap and not giving us a way to self sustain.

I am not trying to get rich in Alpha, just progress my characters gear so that they are playable. At the current rate, I will spend another 7 hours farming on my 43 necro to have enough gold to buy new QM gear for my 39 minstrel so that I can grind to 40 and start new quests. That is if I do not die and do not repair my necro gear.
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Re: Solo farming loot

I can understand that you want to encourage group playing in a MMO, but you should also consider to encourage people to play the toon they want.
If you want to get in a good group for rog farming you cannot simply play "your" toon... if you are a BD, if you are a SB or Hunter or even a skald you won't be able to get in a good group. You can find some casual and social groups, that will never be able to aim for the top-rogs farming.
That's why solo experience is important. If you have enough time (and will) to create an alternate toon to farm in groups (tank, pbaoe healers or shamans) you will have access to top tier stuff.
If you have just the time to play a single toon, and you want to play for example an Hunter, you will forever stay behind in money and rogs.
That's simple, and it should be addressed to give everyone the freedom to choose their own play-style.
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