I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

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I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

I don't really want to invest months of time just to have all my gear, all my currency, a potential house and every other thing just vanish overnight because of a new season. Why not just make a "Hardcore" Eden where there's wipes and then a Casual Eden without them? I don't have a problem with incentives to level up new classes but I'd be doing that anyways because I love DAoC and I like having every class.

Just thinking about going on tons of raids, grinding them out for specific template drops and more and having it all gone just deflates my enthusiasm and makes me not want to bother. I'm fine with adversity in games but I feel the whole wiping thing is too severe and detrimental to the Eden experience.

There are other ways to incentivize players to do things without taking it to extremes. Even in traditional games with seasons, they don't wipe your character or the things you've obtained. They just transfer it to a different server.

I feel like people aren't really focusing on the future wipes so much now but once they hit--it's going to cause a whole lot of irritation. It doesn't really make a lot of sense. Let us enjoy our characters and develop them so they're usable in the long term. At the least, let us keep all the items/houses etc we've acquired so if we have to relevel-etc, it isn't as annoying to get back into the endgame RvR experience.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

The past shows "normal" freeshard server without wipe don´t work for DAoC anymore. They survive at best few years with a not so great population.

Making 2 different server would split a very small game community much more.

You only lose your "fastest" progression like lvl 50 and gear. (not talking about perfect rog gear) The "invested months" are most likely your RR and maybe crafting will stay every season.

A seasonal concept is the most common concept in most multiplayer games nowadays and normally you lose there much more.

I know for a altoholic gamer this really sucks. ^^
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

saintbane wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:39 pm There are other ways to incentivize players to do things without taking it to extremes.
Which one?

15+ years of Daoc freeshard history and the current system seems to be the most succesful.
They don't wipe for no reason. Every freeshard- / game-lifecycle ends at some point and this system seems to be the perfect middle-ground of attempts so far.

Which system do you have in mind that would solve this problem?

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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

I don't know all the pros and cons of free shards since I never bothered playing them and the main reason why--is because I really don't like losing progress. I feel that if I invest hundreds/thousands of hours into developing my character--I want it to improve, become stronger/more enjoyable and always be there for me to use. I don't really mind if they reset realm points/levels and stuff like that. It's the loss of gear that annoys me the most. I feel like if you're going to commit to dozens upon dozens of raids to help others and get your stuff in the process--you should retain it. At least then you could use it on your next characters or re-growing your main. In a game with over 30-40 classes, I don't really think it would be hard to get players to make new characters as long as the server is fun to play, stable and not corrupted by abusive administrators.

Let's be honest: Who wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, "I can't wait to lose everything today! Goodbye to 500p-1mith worth of equipment! Goodbye house! Goodbye template I wasted my time on!" I know people like to act like it's trivial and that you can just keep "starting over" but after all this time--I really don't want to "start over." I want to start, progress and enjoy what I've worked towards. I hate losing progress in any game--especially in games where it takes a lot of effort to get every little thing taken care of.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

saintbane wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:39 pm I don't know all the pros and cons of free shards since I never bothered playing them and the main reason why--is because I really don't like losing progress.
Other freeshards didn't have a planned wipe. Uthgard runs for a decade with about 10 people left playing, why don't you try that one?
This one is an interesting insight from phoenix devs regarding freeshard lifecycles:
https://playphoenix.online/forum/server ... R6Z1HV911K

Edens seasonal system, combined with the increasing RR limitation every reset and the RP/title/craftskill transfer is the best system so far.

You also assume and demand quite a lot without any actual freeshard experience.

This isn't 2000. Some part of the DAoC freeshard community played on them for 15+ years. We know all the PvE routines and we leveled every character available multiple times.
The community changed and barely anyone is interested into investing "hundreds and thousands" of hours into a character.
Nobody has to either, as lvl 1-50 on Eden takes 20h max., even less if done in a group and with knowledge. Templating doesn't take that much longer.

For me personally, the time investment into RvR / RR / RPs is a lot higher than the time it took me to level and template. I therefore welcome the RP transfer between seasons and as it seems the majority of the playerbase does.

At this point you don't have a choice playing on a freeshard.
Play on a server without progression transfer and it will either die out (like Uthgard) or wipe / restart (as many others) or play on a server with partial progression transfer and enjoy a vivid and relatively long lasting population.
Other options would be retail server (no, thanks) or no DAoC at all (hell no).

Do you have any cool ideas how to hold population over years? Something multiple dev teams haven't tried so far? ;)

Have a good time and try Eden.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

Obviously, I don't want to play a freeshard with 10 people. I'm just saying it would be nice if they could relax on some of the stuff being wiped so it's not so hardcore. I don't think it's going to chase off the entire server's population if it's announced that their equipment won't vanish overnight. Is that really such an unreasonable suggestion?

Every other game with seasons--Diablo, PoE, etc.--after the season ends--your char gets transferred to standard and your gear gets tossed into your stash. I know this isn't an ARPG but it isn't a mandatory requirement that gear has to be deleted. There's all sorts of things in the Eden ruleset to promote longevity and that's fine. I don't think taking out this one specific thing is going to kill the server.

If anything--once people re-level up a character--they'll be able to get into the PvP/PvE endgame that much faster and have more fun vs less. If the players on Eden like each other and form bonds/guilds/statics etc--they'll want to remain. I just think it's a little extreme and undesirable in any game--regardless of how long it's been out. I like to keep what I earn when it comes to equipment.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

saintbane wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:31 am Obviously, I don't want to play a freeshard with 10 people. I'm just saying it would be nice if they could relax on some of the stuff being wiped so it's not so hardcore. I don't think it's going to chase off the entire server's population if it's announced that their equipment won't vanish overnight. Is that really such an unreasonable suggestion?

Every other game with seasons--Diablo, PoE, etc.--after the season ends--your char gets transferred to standard and your gear gets tossed into your stash. I know this isn't an ARPG but it isn't a mandatory requirement that gear has to be deleted. There's all sorts of things in the Eden ruleset to promote longevity and that's fine. I don't think taking out this one specific thing is going to kill the server.

If anything--once people re-level up a character--they'll be able to get into the PvP/PvE endgame that much faster and have more fun vs less. If the players on Eden like each other and form bonds/guilds/statics etc--they'll want to remain. I just think it's a little extreme and undesirable in any game--regardless of how long it's been out. I like to keep what I earn when it comes to equipment.
It's strange you keep mentionning gearing up because that's probably 10% of people's time spent on Eden, 90% is spent on end game activities (pve or rvr), the true endgame grind being Realm Rank.

That's why RR isn't reset.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

I hate seasons. I get annoyed. I don't even have the patience to level at this point. I certainly don't want to do it again. Just my 2 cents. I would much prefer a voluntary replay to make alts etc. I don't like being "forced". I like the server!! Thanks.
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

I don't get people issue with the season thing. The alternative is to let the server die/close the server down in which case you have to reroll anyway on the next shard and have no craft skills/ accumulated rps?
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Re: I really like Eden but please get rid of the seasonal wipes.

It's not much of a wipe since it's not taking crafting, titles, and RPs.

The only thing I do not like about the idea is that there's not a lot of time to play high realm rank characters at a high realm rank. I might be a little perturbed if I reached RR11 and could only be RR11 for like 3 weeks or something before rolling down into the next season.
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