Eden Shadow Blades input please

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Eden Shadow Blades input please

Almost rr3 (rr2l9)and Decent temp,(band of eternity, mighty myth, rog) still working on 3 items. I have never beat a nightshade yet, or an infil. I'm 5 spec because I want to be able to PA and get CD off to finish kill. I get caught all the time by visible's with 39 12+ stealth too. Seriously wtf?
39STL 38AXE 31LA 34CS 38EVN RR 3 should get better I hope. Should I do SZ till RR5 ? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

RA'S Vanish 1 Purge 1 think MOS 4 and LW 1.

I never use 2 hander, tho it's in my 2 hander slot. Just slower and need to get stun off CD before someone can slam or stun me.
Maybe I need to go sword. Here's the temp I been looking at, but using axes. Both axe's have slash resist debuff and the end drain.

Temp was in Forum on Discord. Changed a few things around. I like MOH for the 200 ablative, Helmut or Gem..etc. I'm still working to get this temp, just have to farm a ton of NF quests to make money/salvage and dungeon tokens. Takes time solo. :/

Thanks for any Advice.

113 / 106  Strength
96 / 94  Constitution
52 / 90  Dexterity
105 / 106  Quickness
0 / 75  Intelligence
0 / 75  Piety
0 / 75  Charisma
0 / 75  Empathy
415 / 390  Hit Points
0 / 26  Power

Melee Speed: 14%
Melee Damage: 18%
Style Damage: 10%
Armor Factor: 52%
Endurance Regen: 2%

Resists (Racials not included)
26% Crush
26% Slash
26% Thrust
26% Heat
26% Cold
27% Matter
27% Body
24% Energy
27% Spirit

13 Stealth
15 Axe
15 Sword
11 Left Axe
0 Critical Strike
11 Envenom


Name: Feallan Steeple of the Unseen
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 95,66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (Stat) Quickness: +16
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
4. (Resist) Body: +7%
5. (Resist) Energy: +7%
6. (Skill) Stealth: +3
7. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +2
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +2

Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 64,66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37,5 of 37,5
1. (Resist) Matter: +9% [(Polished) Earthen Shielding Jewel]
2. (Resist) Spirit: +9% [(Polished) Vapor Shielding Jewel]
3. (Stat) Constitution: +16 [(Polished) Earthen Essence Jewel]
4. (Resist) Heat: +9% [(Polished) Heated Shielding Jewel]

Name: Ice-shadow Jerkin
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 130,5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Constitution: +27
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +50
3. (Resist) Crush: +3%
4. (Resist) Slash: +3%
5. (Resist) Thrust: +3%
6. (Skill) Stealth: +3
7. (Skill) All Dual Wield Skills: +3
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
9. (Bonus) Style Damage: +4
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +6

Name: Sleeves of Decaying Flesh
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 113
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +21
2. (Stat) Quickness: +21
3. (Resist) Crush: +5%
4. (Resist) Slash: +5%
5. (Resist) Thrust: +5%
6. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +4
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4

Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 58
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37 of 37,5
1. (Skill) Envenom: +7 [(Faceted) Dusty Battle Jewel]
2. (Skill) Left Axe: +3 [(Rough) Icy War Rune]
3. (Resist) Body: +2% [(Uncut) Dusty Shielding Jewel]
4. (Resist) Cold: +2% [(Uncut) Icy Shielding Jewel]

Name: Dragonslayer Hard Starklaedar Pants
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 69,66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Constitution: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
3. (Resist) Cold: +5%
4. (Resist) Heat: +5%
5. (Resist) Spirit: +5%
6. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +1
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +5

Right Hand
Name: Fine Steel Long Sword
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 105
Source Type: Loot
: 1:00 min
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Resist) Body: +1%
3. (Resist) Cold: +1%
4. (Resist) Crush: +1%
5. (Resist) Slash: +1%
6. (Resist) Thrust: +1%
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +5
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +10
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +10

Left Hand
Name: Dragonmight
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 103
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Stat) Quickness: +15
3. (Resist) Cold: +1%
4. (Resist) Crush: +1%
5. (Resist) Slash: +1%
6. (Resist) Thrust: +1%
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +10
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +10

Two Handed
Name: Thurisaz Shadowblade Heavy Sword
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 91,33
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +13
2. (Stat) Quickness: +13
3. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +4
4. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
5. (Bonus) Style Damage: +4
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +7

Name: The Moment of Zen
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 76
Source Type: Loot
: Spirit
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
3. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +5
4. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +2
5. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
6. (Bonus) Fatigue: +5
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +4
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +4

Name: Luminescent Diamond Necklace
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 104,25
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Constitution: +12
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +30
3. (Resist) Cold: +6%
4. (Resist) Crush: +6%
5. (Resist) Heat: +6%
6. (Resist) Matter: +6%
7. (Resist) Slash: +6%
8. (Resist) Thrust: +6%
9. (Stat) Acuity: +12
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +35

Name: Jade Moonshone Cloak
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 90,66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Constitution: +19
2. (Resist) Body: +6%
3. (Resist) Crush: +6%
4. (Resist) Energy: +6%
5. (Resist) Matter: +6%
6. (Resist) Slash: +6%
7. (Resist) Thrust: +6%
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +3

Name: Searing Fiend Gem
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 114
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Quickness: +18
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
3. (Resist) Body: +7%
4. (Resist) Energy: +7%
5. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +2
6. (Skill) All Dual Wield Skills: +2
7. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +6
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +6
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40

Name: Searing Fiend Belt
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 105
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
2. (Stat) Quickness: +15
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +30
4. (Resist) Cold: +7%
5. (Resist) Spirit: +7%
6. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +12
7. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +5
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +30

L. Ring
Name: Band of Clandestinity
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 102
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
3. (Skill) Envenom: +4
4. (Skill) Stealth: +4
5. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +5
6. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +5
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +20

R. Ring
Name: Director's Ring of Chaos
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 93,5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
2. (Stat) Quickness: +15
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +30
4. (Resist) Heat: +6%
5. (Resist) Matter: +6%
6. (Resist) Spirit: +6%
7. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +5

L. Wrist
Name: Gatekeeper Bracer of Chaos
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 96,16
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
3. (Resist) Body: +4%
4. (Resist) Cold: +4%
5. (Resist) Energy: +4%
6. (Skill) Stealth: +3
7. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +30

R. Wrist
Name: Dragonscale Bracelet
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 100,5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +21
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +35
3. (Resist) Crush: +4%
4. (Resist) Slash: +4%
5. (Resist) Thrust: +4%
6. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +5
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +4
8. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +5
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +35

Name: Deserter Mighty Mythirian
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 30,66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +5
2. (Stat) Quickness: +5
3. (Bonus) Endurance Regen: +2
4. (Myth. Cap) Cap Strength: +5
5. (Myth. Cap) Cap Quickness: +5
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Re: Eden Shadow Blades input please

only advice i can give is to reroll. being a shadowblade on eden is like playing hardmode in hardmode in perma death. your damage is crap. you can pick off some casters here and there until rr5 becomes a thing.
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Re: Eden Shadow Blades input please

I don't play a shadowblade, but I kill a lot of them on my Blademaster. Here's what I see:

The most successful SB's I fight tend to use some sort of reset such as disease/snare and restealth. The disease is super annoying because it lasts a long time and stops health regen.

I do not know Midgard equipment, but if you have any of those 5% heal per tick items I would work them in and use them often. BM for example can get a CL or Dragon quest weapon with the heal on it, so you can stick it on your 2h slot and use it as a heal item.

Don't forgot those 400 point bounty heal stones either. Use them asap so they can be used again sooner

SB aren't all gimp either. I actually respec to reflex attack 5 just because I got tired of SBs killing my light tank 1v1 almost every fight, and I solo a lot. So yah, I invested 30 points in an RA mainly to deter this one class, and I still have to respect them and fight hard if they attack because they can still sometimes win.

And one last thing i can think of which can help is you need to be using the red specs and bases from the charge items. You can use them from your inventory. If you are trying to use the realm buffs, then you might as well just get MOS9 and try to stay hidden
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Re: Eden Shadow Blades input please

Mortarion wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 8:55 pm only advice i can give is to reroll. being a shadowblade on eden is like playing hardmode in hardmode in perma death. your damage is crap. you can pick off some casters here and there until rr5 becomes a thing.
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